


Lehlogonolo Mashaba

Lehlogonolo Mashaba

(2nd floor / Ellis House / Johannesburg)

(2nd floor / Ellis House / Johannesburg)

His work concentrates on the indeterminate. In life, you cannot really define things completely. By using as many lines as possible while encrypting text in the mix, the work becomes heavily blurred. The more layered the text, the more incomprehensive it is. This is reminiscent of the fact that we can’t really establish the original conception of humankind, except if we read about it. In this context that is where the noise comes in.

"With the Origins artworks, I attempted to metaphorically capture that process in words and motion" by metaphorically capturing the natural selection (evolution) process. With the Noise series, he attempts to show the strength of small structures through the laborsome drawing process.

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